
Willem’s Two Service Pillars



Without purpose what is life? Why do we exist? Why are we here? Are these questions ‘too deep’ for a business services page? Well, maybe, but if you’re talking about your brand, they’re exactly the right kind of questions to be asking. And we, at Willem are not afraid to ask them. So if you’ve had a bit of an existential struggle over your business name or over the design of a new product identity or how your brand consistently presents itself across the web and other mediums, say no more. We’re here to roll up our sleeves, figure it all out with you and then make your brand come to life.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s talk it through!

Design Automation

How does Willem approach design automation? We’ve devised a unique system that enables the production of a high volume of brand perfect graphic design output from very short periods of production time. This process is also “media channel agnostic”. In other words, as long as the essentials of the branded graphic assets are present (logo, typography, color palettes, etc.), Willem can ensure a very quick turnaround of graphic designs across multiple media channels (advertising, print, social media, etc). We excel at taking the magic and genius of your original design work and applying that to any of your key marketing touch points.

Want to learn more or see some case studies? Just contact us!

Our Approach



We approach our work at the intersection of branding, design and marketing. Each one of these pieces provides a foundational component to a business’ success. You know where you’ve been. You know where you are now. We help your business get to where you’d like it to be. And we do it through branding and design.

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The classic breakdown of the design-thinking process consists of five phases; empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. Aside from showing the designs we do, we couldn’t really make a description of our process any more succinct. When you work on a design with us, expect to organically travel through these phases. And expect the unexpected. That’s the best part of doing creative work.

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Ok. Making things look nice and feel good is great and all but we’re now two decades into the 21st century. People expect everything to be at their finger tips. Businesses change course over night. Design as a skill set and profession has become more and more disposable. Willem understands the vast implications of our permanently disrupted and ever-changing commercial landscape. The good news is that the creative mindset is one that thrives on the challenges that come with change. We’re here to help businesses stay agile and relevant as they constantly adjust their websites, platforms and digital engagements.

Some Specific Examples of the Work We Do


·      Strategic planning for branding and design

·      Logo design

·      Corporate identity

·      Conceptualizing creative work

·      Brand vision

·      Naming

·      Brand architecture

·      Brand evolution

·      Animation

·      Style guides

·      Website prototyping and design

·      Front end web design

·      User journey mapping

·      Production design (established brands)

·      Advertisements (digital/print)

·      Print (publications/posters/traditional mail)

·      Print (brochures/presentations/sale sheets)

·      Photography

·      Marketing collateral (B2B / B2C)

·      Video shorts (business promo)

·      Illustration

·      Package design

·      Music/Sound

·      Mobile app graphics

·      Account management

·      Project management

Please note, if you’re a non-profit or a charity, Willem is willing to work with you to support your cause!